Planning Our Future

Pequot Lakes Public Schools 2025 Referendum

At Pequot Lakes Public Schools, we’re dedicated to providing safe, secure schools that help every student succeed. In 2023, our district proposed a referendum plan to voters that called for significant investments in our school buildings, curriculum, and learning technology to advance this goal. This plan was narrowly rejected by voters. Since then, our district has held over 20 school community meetings and surveyed hundreds of residents to create a refined plan to improve learning spaces and resources for our students.

On Tuesday, April 8, our district will present this new, two-question plan to our community. Voters will consider two ballot questions to invest in the long-term quality of our schools, classrooms, and infrastructure.

Question One

$55 million bond referendum to expand instructional spaces, complete maintenance, improve safety and security, and add new space for career, technical, and trades education.

Question Two

10-year $600,000 annual capital projects levy to support textbooks, instructional materials, and technology.

If approved by voters, the plan will improve safety and security, refurbish and expand learning spaces for the trades and culinary science, complete general maintenance, and add space for early childhood services and collaborative learning.

These improvements will create safer, more supportive learning environments for students to grow and learn valuable career skills.

Explore this website to learn about the proposed investments, including how the plan will impact students, the tax impact, and how you can make your voice heard on Election Day.

You can reach out to the district with questions via the Connect page.